From Master Nick and Constance:
Zach is an amazing student. He has made so much progress during his time with us here at HTKD. More confident, not as shy and a very diligent martial artist. I say this a lot but I do wish I had a 100 more students like him. He’s always respectful and dedicated with being at his classes as much as possible, even though he also loves baseball. We’re also very thankful for his parents who have been so supportive and dedicated to the process. We’re enjoying watching his journey and excited to see what his future holds.
From Zach:
“I love TKD because it helps me be more confident and it has helped me learn to be more focused. It also has helped me get stronger.” He also said “my favorite activities are board breaking, dodgeball and getting to spar!”
From Jeff and Tina:
When Zach started taekwondo in November 2021 he was super quiet, he was easily distracted, he didn’t look people in the eyes when talking to them and he struggled with coordination.
Since starting TKD he has gained confidence which helps him look people in the eyes now, he is so much more focused, he can sit for long periods of time, looking at and listening to those who are speaking. He is much more coordinated and he has gained strength! Zach has also excelled in reading and writing this year. His grades were never terrible, but this year he has just soared in those areas. We know that the life skills he is learning during his class times will serve him well in his future and we are so thankful for Master Nick and Constance for their hard work, their sincere care for our children, and for them being there to walk along side us, to help Zach be the best person he can be! We have also loved making new friends who are on similar journeys with their kids, and we love that Master Nick gets the parents involved to help make those lifelong memories for our kids! We love HTKD!!